Flourish Activities -A Quick Guide
If you want to know more about what the Flourish classes are all about and who they are for, along with examples of some of the activities held – you can find all that information here:
Who are the classes for?
All DIWC members who wish to make friends and build a social network as well as learn new skills through a variety of planned workshops
What is the class for?
Fighting social isolation by making friends in an informal, inclusive environment,
Increasing team working skills
Increasing spoken English practice
Building self-confidence and value oneself, engaging and participating in team games and activities., engaging in the class and asking questions
Learners who require support and one to one sessions to talk about how to overcome barriers and their challenges
What will attendees learn in the lessons?
Learn different skills for promoting positive parenting and different types of play
Basic baking techniques (including practising numbers and measuring)
Learning to cook international recipes and the different types of methods used in cooking by different cultures
Healthy baking alternatives (by substituting ingredients)
Reading and understanding ingredients on food labels
Learning about healthy eating and their benefits
Why it is important and how to apply a healthy diet for their children and families
Car safety, road safety, dental health, home and fire safety etc.
Building a healthy attachment to their children.
Internet safety
Exercises and relaxation techniques to promote mental wellbeing
Below are some examples of some of the activities the classes have held:
Women and Children on a visit to Dundee Broughty Ferry Beach and Castle
The group was given a tour of inside and outside of the castle. The tour guide talked about the bravery, bloodshed, the armour and weapons that were used in the historical times. The group went for a walk on the beach for a breath the sea air and to view the beautiful scenery.
Trip to Camperdown park
Mums and children went on a visit to Camperdown Park to learn about nature trails, pond life and different types of outdoor play opportunities to do with their children. The group enjoyed the activities, socialising, making friends and exchanging notes.
Flourish cooking challenge
The ladies enjoyed a cooking challenge activity. The group was split into two teams, both teams had been given random ingredients to create sweet/savoury dishes using only the items given to them. The objective of this activity was to encourage team building, increase their imagination, social engagement and to support their English language.
Amazing creative dishes made by the clever ladies from the Flourish group.
Flourish ladies learning how to create sensory play to do at home with their children
Flourish Walking football tournament
Promoting physical activity within the BME community.
Sahrish says
MashAllah all good have fun ladies miss you guys a lot